Current Age Chart

Richmond Hill Soccer Club adheres to the age guidelines set by US Soccer and Georgia Soccer. Player classification for the soccer year shall be determined by the player’s age as of January 1. To participate, a player must be at least four years of age and no older than 19 years of age by January 1.

The current age chart is below and can be found on the Georgia Soccer website.

For the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 seasons:

Select U13-U19
U13 (Birth year 2012)
U14 (Birth year 2011)
U15 (Birth year 2010)
U16 (Birth year 2009)
U17 (Birth year 2008)
U18 (Birth year 2007)

Academy U9-U12
U9 (Birth year 2016)
U10 (Birth year 2015)
U11 (Birth year 2014)
U12 (Birth year 2013)

Recreation U6-U14
U6 (Birth year 2019)
U7 (Birth year 2018)
U8 (Birth year 2017)
U9 (Birth year 2016)
U10 (Birth year 2015)
U11 (Birth year 2014)
U12 (Birth year 2013)
U13 (Birth year 2012)
U14 (Birth year 2011)

U15 (Birth year 2010)

U16 (Birth year 2009)

U17 (Birth year 2008)

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